Tuesday 15 May 2012

Taunting the Dead by Mel Sherratt

Another cheapy off Amazon read on my Kindle and just finished yesterday. Set in Stoke-on-Trent of all places (but why not) this is story of the murder of a ganster-ish type of businessman's wife, of how she is sleeping with (and we find out from her autopsy that she is pregnant by) the henchman, who is told by the boss to kill her knowing full what he has been up to. He tries to get her best friend's husband to do the job whilst the henchman's thug of son overhears most of this and goes on to do the the hit himself. The ganster is a real good looking charmer who has massive sexual chemistry with the female DS leading the investigation so it all turns into a pretty decent plot. Well told, intrigue kept high and believable characters, even in Stoke on trent, the home of Slash ;-)

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