Finished this last night. It's not long, about 160 pages. Whilst not a riveting read it was a better effort than "The Small Hand" by the same author which I read recently. The writing still seems quite old-fashioned and not really very captivating, it is a book I could easily put down, and often did, but managed to read it over three days (sat, sun, mon eve) so had no problem going back to it. The story revolves around a junior solicitor in bygone days who is sent to grim north to sort out the affiars of an elderly lady who has died. She lives on an island which can only be accessed when the tide is low. He first sees the ghost, the lady in black, at the funeral of the old woman and then again in the graveyard on his first visit to the island. He eventual flees the area whilst he still retains his sanity to return to London but sometime later is revisited with a bit of a kick. Decent ending.
I'm not finding these horror stories at all scary, maybe I should n't read them in the day time but should read them in the night by candlelight??!!!!
Ok, who's up next, ah Mr Herbert, an old friend.
It might take me a while to get through this one so in the meantime I'll write about the books I read in the first half of the year!
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