Read this last week and a good yarn it is too. Set on the Imaginary Swedish island of Oland this was my first foray into Scandinavian thrillers (I seem to have bypassed Steig Larsson!!). Anyway the reviews on Amazon looked good with greater than 4 out of 5 stars and lots of write ups. The story is based around the disappearance of a small boy about 20 years ago and the resurrected search by his elderly grandfather, and to some extent his mother, following the arrival of one of his sandals in the post. The plot is strong; most chapters are split between the present time (1990’s) and the past based around the main suspect for the widely believed murder. The characters are engaging, the setting is well described and evocative and the twist at the end, whilst being well within the realms of reality, came as a surprise. Very enjoyable!! I look forward to reading more from Jerone.
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