Thursday, 7 March 2013

Florence Day 3

Ok, so it's still rather early, 08:18 to be precise but the alarm woke me over fours ago. Yes, up at 4 am and quickly ready before a 45 minute walk across town to get to this spot, which a friend and colleague had told me about. Amazingly, it was n't raining when I set out, nor cold which was good because having arrived at my destination I had some time to wait before the sun came up. Well, as expected it never did but I think I got some decent snaps anyway. All of these shots were taken with the stunningly good camera in my iphone5, can't wait to get home and do some comparison big prints versus the Panasonic micro four thirds camera to compare!!! The last two pictures (which were of course taken first) were in the virtual dark and I could not take them with my camera!!! It did start to rain again as I headed back to the Hotel San Maria Novella where I am staying but that was ok. After a hearty breakfast, I'm ready for a nap I think ;-)

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