Friday, 2 November 2012

A Clash of Kings by George R R Martin

Another huge tome by the bearded one that I read on my kindle. On the whole it was quite good, although I felt that after the battle was done on about 90%, it just needed some kind of sting in the tale as in volume 1. In this book, the second of the series, magic comes into play and takes a very sinister and destructive role.

In the main this is the story of the final fued of the Barotheon brothers and how the victor, Stannis, goes on to loose his battle against the Lannisters. Whilst in east, Daenerys is wandering round a bit lost looking for supporters and an army to take back to the mainland to persue her claim to the throne. Those bloody baby dragons are taking forever to grow up - I wish they would get a move on and do something useful!!!

Up North, the bastard Jon Snow goes with other warriors beyond the wall to learn that the Wildlings are amasing to march on the south. He decides to become a turncoat.

As I said, all-in-all a decent story but nothing spectacular and I'm not sure it was as good as the first book (although at 800 pages I think it was longer). Sadly, the next three boooks don't get any shorter but their customer reviews do get worse. I'll take a break, but I think I'm compelled to move on with them!!!

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