Another one from Kate this, when I told her I'd started reading it she commented that it was his first and not one of his best!!
Inspite of that I enjoyed it a lot. Based on a pro basketball player who fakes his own death because his new mother-in-law mistakenly convinces him he is his wife's half-brother. The tale takes twist after trun, is written well and the characters are engaging. it is told form the position of his wife who systematically goes about tracking down the truth. I like Coben a lot and expect to read more of his in 2012.
I also received Miracle Cure by the same author and Johan Theorin's second novel, as well as buying myself Dark Matter which was on special at amazon just before xmas. This is all well and good but quite unexpectedly the gorgoeus Kate bought me a Kindle for Xmas, which was hilarious as in complete ignorance I bought her the very same.
I had talked myself out of buying one because I though I would not take to it but the evidence of the last week is that I will, very much so, and with trips to India and back to Japan coming up in January and February I think it will get quite heavy use!!
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