Monday, 10 December 2012
First and Only by Peter Flannagan
This has to become my favorite book. A great and novel story, wonderfully written with oodles of depth, characterization and splashes of the kind of smarmy humor that I like. It’s the story of a psychic who has seen that he will be murdered at the hands of a serial killer in five days time. Some years ago, as an adolescent, Psimon (yep, corny, I know) witnessed the serial killers first murder, that of a priest in a confessional box. Psimon himself was only spared by the approach of two work men. Now able to hone his psychic skills in many ways he has seen the meeting of the killer and himself and so has enlisted the help of a desperate ex-SAS man to help. One of the nice touches in the depth of the plot comes from the background of small actions that Psimon carried out that are described clearly but their purposes are left unanswered until the very end. It comes together quite nicely (a better ending than Cottam’s “The Colony”) which was a near miss but First and Only has a finale worthy of note.
Favorite lines of the text…..
“So what happens if we don’t do as you say?”
“We sink your f*****g boats!!”
Moved over Angel and Demons, there is a new king!!!!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
I used to read quite a lot of personal development books and I believe I am where I am now (doing ok in the pharma industry) in part because of the lessons I’ve learned from them. Books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “How to Make Friends and Influence People” all contain reminders of how we should act and might have forgotten or not place enough importance on such behaviors or, occasionally, teach us new behaviors. Like many other “Don’t Sweat………”takes the format of very short chapters (a couple of pages) or one could almost call them lessons. There are many useful things in there to remind how we should act when faced with irritation or adversity (what is this person / event trying to teach me?) and I do think that is one of the keys of a contented life. I think in Buddhist teaching it is known as “mindfulness” where you are not upset by each issue that crops up every day and that you can put it into perspective of the big wide world and your whole life. It may seem like a raw deal today but ask yourself ……………… in a year’s time ……………… how much will it really matter?
Now to practice living that philosophy even more than I already did and truly master it. I think life will be even better and I’ll be even more fun to share it with
Friday, 16 November 2012
He’s a boy-superstar……
Three years ago when my eldest son Tom did his GCSE’s he did pretty well, coming away with a eight of them including five at grade B. That was pretty amazing. This summer it was Robin’s turn and although I had a very busy August so did n’t write, last night I went to his awards ceremony at Swavesey Village College which has inspired me to put finger to keyboard.
I always knew he was a bright lad, but the problem is that he is not overly interested. Don’t get me wrong, I get the impression that he is quite interested and tries somewhat but he’s just not dedicated, in the way that he is to playing games on his laptop. This last point I thought would be his undoing. Apparently not though, he rocked up with GCSE grade A results in maths, English literature, English language, chemistry, biology, physics, geography and history with B’s in Spanish and RE to boot!!!!!!!!!
As he was on a performance bonus system it turned out to be an expensive summer for me ;-)
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
The Colony by F G Cottam
This was a stunning novel– right up until the last few pages it could have been my best read ever but tn very sadly it fizzled out without any real climax.
So I’ve read Cottam before; The Waiting Room must have been one of the last real books I read before the arrival of my Kindle last Xmas. That was a very solid and interesting ghost story. I’d marked the author down to revisit later and having recalled my intention I had a look on the Amazon reviews to see what else he had out. This seemed quite interesting and had good reviews. Based on the tale of a Scottish Hebridean island where all of the inhabitants went missing at the turn of the century. Recently, a wealthy newspaper owner was to solve the mystery and it looks like it’s to boost the sales of his flagging newspaper but the reality is that he is a UFO-ologist, determined to prove that the islands inhabitants were taken by visitors from another planet. He enlists the help of various experts such as geologists, phsychics, medics etc to go up there, and at the last though a cleric, in order to ensure that all angels are covered. However, even before our intrepid party lands the security team sent ahead suffer a fatality and then discover the empty craft of a rival news team. The horrors of this story are n’t spawned out of alien beings but in fact voodoo, the curse of a vodoo priest brutalized and murdered by a sea captain coming back to haunt the living.
I have to say it was a very powerful and unusually for me had shivers running down my spine on a number of occasions. There are two entities to deal with (although one gets sort of forgotten at the end), there is the daughter of the sea captain who flies around (quite literally) with wholey black eyes and then the black demon. The final confrontation with the demon though is over in what can’t be much more than a page or two (remember, I’m on my Kindle!), there is no build up of intensity to the story it’s like a balloon that somebody lets go of before they’ve tied it.
On saying that, I will read this author again because overall it was an excellent novel, just work on your endings man ;-)
Now, finally I guess, I have a date with a girl with a dragon tattoo!!!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Getting together :-)
Huge, huge couple of days since I got back from Japan on Friday. The trip to the land of the rising sun was a rollercoaster ride and probably deserves an entry of its own but too much of it would be company secret. Anyway, what has happened since has dwarved it by miles.
So, last night I told Robin and Chloe that Kate, Ava and John would be moving in with us in the next six months. Chloe punched the air and was delighted. Robin was content too. Last night I also told my mum who was very happy for us. Tonight I told Tom on the phone and Kate told John and Ava. John had a similar reaction to Chloe but Ava needs a little time to get used to what will be a massive change in her life.
I am so unbelievably thrilled that things are going to start really moving forward now and hopefully by the springtime, we will all be living under the same roof.
In the meantime Kate's Mum and Dad will be visiting this weekend and everybody will be staying here!
I'm a very happy bunny!!!
Friday, 2 November 2012
David Baldacci - Zero Day
First Baldacci that I've read. I actually spotted this on the Amazon Daily Deal and thought it was something Kate might enjoy. We read it at about the same, although she started first I managed to just beat her to the line, moohahah!!!!
And a good read it was, we both enjoyed it, in her case some much so that has moved directly onto another story by the same author, and whilst I'll certainly read more of his I prefer to mix things up a little more!
John Puller is a bit of an ex-army James Bond - Lee Childs kinda guy who is sent to investigate the murder of an army intelligence officer and his whole family. One of things I liked about this book was it was n't at all obvious who had done it until right at the end, in fact, I did n't even know who to suspect the author kept his cards so close to his chest.
However, it was well written. Puller is an engaging and believable character. The plot roled along nicely and continually with barely a boring moment and the ending was well executed.
At £0.79, it sat nicely with my northen beliefs of value ;-)
And a good read it was, we both enjoyed it, in her case some much so that has moved directly onto another story by the same author, and whilst I'll certainly read more of his I prefer to mix things up a little more!
John Puller is a bit of an ex-army James Bond - Lee Childs kinda guy who is sent to investigate the murder of an army intelligence officer and his whole family. One of things I liked about this book was it was n't at all obvious who had done it until right at the end, in fact, I did n't even know who to suspect the author kept his cards so close to his chest.
However, it was well written. Puller is an engaging and believable character. The plot roled along nicely and continually with barely a boring moment and the ending was well executed.
At £0.79, it sat nicely with my northen beliefs of value ;-)
A Clash of Kings by George R R Martin
Another huge tome by the bearded one that I read on my kindle. On the whole it was quite good, although I felt that after the battle was done on about 90%, it just needed some kind of sting in the tale as in volume 1. In this book, the second of the series, magic comes into play and takes a very sinister and destructive role.
In the main this is the story of the final fued of the Barotheon brothers and how the victor, Stannis, goes on to loose his battle against the Lannisters. Whilst in east, Daenerys is wandering round a bit lost looking for supporters and an army to take back to the mainland to persue her claim to the throne. Those bloody baby dragons are taking forever to grow up - I wish they would get a move on and do something useful!!!
Up North, the bastard Jon Snow goes with other warriors beyond the wall to learn that the Wildlings are amasing to march on the south. He decides to become a turncoat.
As I said, all-in-all a decent story but nothing spectacular and I'm not sure it was as good as the first book (although at 800 pages I think it was longer). Sadly, the next three boooks don't get any shorter but their customer reviews do get worse. I'll take a break, but I think I'm compelled to move on with them!!!
In the main this is the story of the final fued of the Barotheon brothers and how the victor, Stannis, goes on to loose his battle against the Lannisters. Whilst in east, Daenerys is wandering round a bit lost looking for supporters and an army to take back to the mainland to persue her claim to the throne. Those bloody baby dragons are taking forever to grow up - I wish they would get a move on and do something useful!!!
Up North, the bastard Jon Snow goes with other warriors beyond the wall to learn that the Wildlings are amasing to march on the south. He decides to become a turncoat.
As I said, all-in-all a decent story but nothing spectacular and I'm not sure it was as good as the first book (although at 800 pages I think it was longer). Sadly, the next three boooks don't get any shorter but their customer reviews do get worse. I'll take a break, but I think I'm compelled to move on with them!!!
Saturday, 27 October 2012
October - and the temperature has dropped!!!
Ok, so it's been a while, I know, I know ;-) I've been busy!!!
I've read a couple of books that I'll need to catch up on, actually, I can think of two but I suspect there might be at least one more!
So, it's Saturday morning and I've been up since 06:45 waitnig for a delivery van. The new 3 piecve suite is coming this mornnig and I'm super-excited. I left the family home with just the horrible sofa bed and as I suspected I was going to moving form rented house to rented house for a few years (and I was strapped for cash) I did not buy a suite. Well, now I have my own palace and I not supporting my ex-wife so heavily I finally made the purchase and now i'm sat here like an expectant father.
The other sensible thing I did in the last couple of weeks was take out some redundancy insurance. As the pharmaceutical industry in this country contracts rapidly I doubt I'd be able to find another job quite so well paid (actually, anything like so well paid) but if I can make it through to Xmas past the deferall period then I would qualify for a high enough monthly return to be able to get buy for a year. Actually the thought of a year off is rather nice!!!
Hopefully things will be fine though. Our new global head of R&D came to visit us this summer and seemed very impressed. He likes the idea of doing research in the UK and has actually asked to submit a (small) expansion plan. On top of that we have just had one chmeist hand in her notice and we were immediately granted permission to rpelace her.
Beyond that it's travelling time again. Tomorrow evening I'm back on a plane to Tokyo for a week of fun!!!!
Hopefully there won't be a problem.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
An Early start at Houghton Mill
Years ago when I used to live in Scotland and take my photography very seriously I'd think nothing about getting up hours before dawn to be at a wonderful viewpoint in anticipation of the perfect light. These days, that essentially never happens ... until Wednesday morning of this week!!
Being on my tod this week I decided to set the alarm for 5 am and headed down to the east facing Houghton Mill near Huntingdon.
The Swarm by Rob Heinz
Not your average read this but good nonetheless!!!
Set on an island just off the American coast (only separated from the mainland by bridges) the place is thrown into turmoil one day when most of the community stop what they are doing and walk like zombies to a beach where they start to mate, only to wake after it has all done. It becomes clear that only the people who can reporoduce have become invovled and one of those that is n't films the whole thing on his iPhone and posts it to the net. The government quarantines the island and starts to hunt down the women who won't voluntarily temrinate their pregnancies.
Prior to this a worker at the refuse department has discovered a small clearing where the land seems to eat scrap metal...... and after a while, even dead bodies.
Nearly all of the swarm pregnancies do get terminated ...... all except one and it is the lead up that birth and the steps taken to keep it hidden that help build the story. All hell breaks loose at the birth!!!
Great book :-)
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
My Kinda town......
I like where I live very much (now, but we'll come back to that later!). I recently moved further out from Cambridge where I work to Warboys, which is just a few miles north of St Ives and Huntingdon. If the only important thing in deciding where to live was where I liked then I would have moved to St Ives. I love the town. It has a wonderful atmosphere and the river running through it and bridges help to make it really pretty. I stopped off there the other evening to take a few photos and have a walk around and noticed just how many pubs and restaurants there are. I've now counted at least 5 pubs, including The Tap Room, our favourite. It was a really busy place come 8 pm on a Tuesday night, a bit like a seaside town, buzzing. It was suggested to me that this is bacuase of the people who tie up in there boats overnight ....... quite possibly.
I first met my wonderful gorgeous gf on the bridge by the Dolphin Hotel so that will always hold special memories for us. First date was in the little cake / coffee shop overlooking the river and the second was a picnic just a short walk the other side of the hotel.
Have I always liked living here .... in Cambridgeshire ...... no!! When I first moved down from Scotland and being a Yorkshireman at heart I really, really missed the hills. I used to love to walk them and photograph them and even just look at them as I drove past.
It has taken me the best part of ten years but now I can say at last that I really love living here :-)
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The Dark Path by Luke Romyn
This was going cheap on amazon (did I mention I'm from Yorkshire?!?!), appeared to by pretty much my genre and had good reviews. It did not disappoint :-) Started reading this just before we headed out to Spain and finished it in the sun, quite probably next to a massive bowl of mussells, a canya and my gorgeous girlfriend!!!
The story of a dark assasin who is quite simply the best. He can get into anywhere, torture and kill his victim and be away before anybody or the security systems have noticed. As amazing as he is, he one day wakes to find himself tied to a bed and talking to "Priest" who recruits him to stop the "Sons of Soderrah" sacrificing the second coming in order to return their dark lord to this realm. Full of demons and aliens creatures, the devil makes an appearance at one point disguised as an old woman and the archangel Gabriel plays a significant role in the climax!! A great action packed story with a dark and admiral hero but what really takes it up a notch is the cranky, miserable, sarcastic and dark humor of the hero, especially in the scene where he and Gabriel start to take the piss out of each other!! Great read.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Summer Vacation - part 1 - Mazarron
The first week of my holiday I spent in Mazarron (Murcia, Spain) with Kate. Her sister has an apartment out there and offered to let us stay. We flew in style, Ryanair, and it went as smooth as silk. The apartment is lovely which is good as Kate's sister, brother-in-law and nephew are about to move out there permenantly.
The weather started out hot and simply got hotter. It was great. Enjoyed my siesta's and really enjoyed our late nights! We ate really well with lots of sea food at the local restaurants, usually on the paseo (promanade to those of us from Yarkshire!). Mussels, clams and chopitas (tiny whole fried squid) all went down very well with the aid of a canya (small beer) or three and the lovely local and cheap wines.
Speaking of cheap wine we were buying awesome local wine form the supermarket for a Euro a bottle (78 p) and even in the bars and restaurants the average was about 5 Euro's - my kind of town.
The beach, town and whole locality was all stunning :-)
Friday, 27 July 2012
Going Acoustic!
Been thinking about getting an acoustic for yeasrs now. Never really been sure what I'd want so worried asbout wasting cash. Anyways, decided to take the plunge as few weeks ago when I saw as Washburn W10 black on Gumtree in Cambridge for what seemed as good price.
Well, basically I love it!! There is only one problem ..... I'm not sure whast size it is but it is very large and that means it is very loud. The kids get fed up of trying to play it if they are trying to watch tv so it lives upstairs.
I've already decided there will be asn upgrade for xmas and that it will be smaller one, as Tasylor GS mini would be lovely.
Speaking of smaller ones, I've managed to talk Chloe into starting lessons next term on the very same instrument, so the smaller one in the picture was a secondhand eBay bargin!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Arghhh my eyes! What's that?
... it is in fact ....... the sun!!!
Would you believe it that after a rotten first half to the summer the day after the kids break up from school it starts to shine. And it has shone wonderfully for the last four days and the forecast is for another three days of glorious sunshine.
On Monday I was daft enough to go out for a 5 mile run at lunchtime when it must have been pushing 30 degrees. Needless to say it was not one of my quickest efforts. Today, I have ridden then 20 miles into work form Warboys and let Andy go for a lunchtime run on his own. Even he has decided to cut it bsack a little though!!
It won't last I'm sure. But then again, two weeks from now I'll be in Spain, lying on a beach, hopefully with a beer in one hand and a cocktail in the other :-) Evidently, it's roasting out there!
Monday, 23 July 2012
The Annual Cycling Jaunt
It rained, boy did it rain!!!
…… and it rained and it rained and it rained !!!!!
The date was booked miles in advance and as there are four of us and I for one have to exclude every other weekend due to the kids, it would have been hard to find an alternative. So with the rain having bucketed it down over night and the forecast for a rainy morning we meet up at Stanwick Lakes.
This year was group was ……. The three stalwarts of Steve, Andy and Moi …….. and the new comer …. Michael. Apparently, Bren was a bit skint and would rather spend his cash on beer than a new inner tube!!!! Shame.
So, I arrive and it’s hissing it down. Steve, Andy and Michael are hiring their bikes (you know, just in case there is a rush!!). Having secured their steeds they promptly leave them at the shop and we head off to the café ….. as if there is any chance it might stop raining in the near future.
And in the café it is back to the old ways. I’ve had Alpen not that long ago so just take a coffee. The boy’s are on full English’s (full European’s?!?!?!).
It’s not going to stop so after a while we have the obligatory photo in the dry and then head off. Il pluet – big time. But you know, once you “give yourself” to the rain and the mud, it is actually quite brilliant fun :-)
The guys got free waterproof trousers with the hire bikes but I don’t like them anyway as they make me sweat too much. So, I’m in my green shorts that I got from America. Before long, my legs are just pasted in mud, but apparently, that does n’t stop the wee biting things doing their biting thing :-(
It does indeed rain all morning but calls a halt around noon, by that time we’ve done a big muddy loop to the south (including a little wading for Steve and I) and we are back at the café. Steve says there are a couple of pubs to the north, one about two miles away and the other about double. Well we never see the closer one and before we get to the second one Andy is getting tired and grumpy (brings back memories of the wonderful SDW). As we pull at one place about a mile from the second pub I notice it is 1:50 and joke with Andy that they probably stop serving food at 2 pm. Bad joke, we end up in the nearby café having a sandwich!
Another great day with wonderful lads who I am lucky to have as mates:-)
Reader's block - three strikes and ......
..... you're out!
I rarely give up on a book. In fact, up until the last few weeks, I can only think of one novel that I have not finished and that was some years ago (The Time Traveller's Wife) but now I have two more to add to the list. (I have also failed to complete Emotional Intelligence on two separate occasions!!!)
Failure number 1 was Fifty Shades of Grey!! I starting reading this because of all the hype around at the moment and because Kate is well into the series and was encouraging me. Having being told that the first hot scenes start around 21% I decided I give it until 25% by which time I would have a flavour for the writing and any other kind of plot that might be there (I'm so niave!!!). The plot was awful and the writing was shockingly bad, seriously!!!! Even the sex scene was quite uninspiring, if I wanted that kind of thing I reckon Pornhub would be much better ;-)
Failure number 2: Fluke by James Herbert. By this time I'm not feeling the Kindle love so I revert to the tried and tested Herbert but make the crucial mistake of swaying from his norm. Two chapters in and I'm struglling with the man reborn as a dog! Dumped, for now, but I think I will come back to this one.
So now I'm into a real paper book that I noticed on the shelf the other day. I remember Tom bought me it for Xmas before I knew I was getting a Kindle. Harlen Coben, Miracle Cure. In a couple of weeks Kate and I are off to southern I'm not encumbered!
Friday, 13 July 2012
Game of Thrones by George R R Martin.
This is an epic 861 page thriller. A cross between Lord of the Rings and Camelot it builds up on the quarrelling dynasties of the Seven Kingdoms. On the one side is King Robert Barothean and his new “Hand” (right-hand man) Lord Eddard Stark, on the other side are the inbreds. Far away Denearys wed the lord of the riders and at the very end of the book, in the ashes of battle and her husbands funeral pyre, she hatches the dragons. Get stuff, but the next book is over 900 pages!!!!!
My favourite character is the Imp, such a wicked sense of humour :-)
The picture is from the dvd series, which is now mine too and we are working our way through it!!!
Monday, 9 July 2012
A Sporting Weekend!
It seems to be all happening in the world of sport! No sooner is Euro 2012 out of the way following England’s incredibly average performance than Wimbledon and the TdF get started, and the Olympics are just round the corner.
So Andy Murray finally got the final of Wimbledon. Partly down to the fact that Nadal suffered some freak loss at the hands of a guy who I’ve already forgot about. On saying that he still had t beat the likes of Tsonga and Ferrer to get there. He met up with the amazing Roger Federer who was after his 7th crown. It started well with Murray forging a late break in the first to take the set. I’m thinking Murray is 25 and Federer is essentially quite old in tennis terms at 30 so as the match goes on he should have the fitness advantage. Hello – thinks I, there could something a foot here! Alas, it was not to be. I can’t remember if Federer took the second set before after it started to rain but the delay whilst the centre court roof was brought across seemed to be the tipping point and Murray never saw another set. Still, no need to cry in the courtside after match interview Andy!!! Who do you think you are – Paula Radcliffe ;-)
The TdF is probably my favorite annual sporting event and this year’s edition is well and truly underway by now. In fact, it seems that this is one place where there is a realistic chance of a first British, nay English winner. Bradley Wiggins seems to have been around for ages, seemed to swap from track cycling to road ages ago. Finally he has come of age and with the loss of some of the big favorites such as Andy Schleck (injury) and Contador (banned for being a drug-taking cheat – apparently) he is one of the joint favorites with last year’s winner, the Australian Cadel Evans. It has gone very well so far, in the prologue, the mountains and today’s 42 km time trial was won by Bradley to allow him to extend his lead over Cadel to around 2 minutes. Fingers crossed for the rest of the race!!
And finally, this weekend the Olympic torch came to our region. I was encouraged out of bed at 6 am on Sunday to head into Huntingdon to watch it. It was good fun once the race stopped and there was a great sense of community spirit, which is unusual and was lovely.
Friday, 15 June 2012
And that was the week that was!
Busy one at that. It culminated today when I had to present to our company's global Chief Medical and Scientific Officer. He was the head of all research at GSK and then took over the Bill and Miranda Gates foundation before joining us. He was, is, a great guy though and was genuinely excited by what I (we) had to present to him today on his first visit to Cambridge.
This week has also been about the footy as well though. England drew with France 1-1 at the Euro Championships on Monday and tonight beat Sweden 3-2, as I ate strawberries and drank cider, as you do :-)
On Tuesday I, we, spent 7 hours in a cubicle at Addenbrooks with a little person awaiting an endoscopy, which did n't turn out well :-(
On the plus, I side managed to ride to work this week on two consecutive days, first time since moving out here to the sticks! First day was very hard coming home as I was low on food. The second was surprising much easier, probably thanks to the pub lunch, and I managed the 19 miles back in 59 minutes. Pleased :-)
And tomorrow ....... the seaside!!! Lowestoft, fresh salty air and a Mr Whippy, with luck.
Hopefully, next week will be quieter. I'm telling myself that I've managed to talk my bosses out of me going to Japan in July. Am I kidding myself? Time will tell.
The Others by James Herbert

Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Seed by Ania Ahlborn
This was an excellent read!! Never even heard of this author but trawling the kind of stuff I like on the amazon Kindle page came across the good reviews it gets. I like a bit of scary, spooky otherworld stuff to my stories to add that little something extra. This had it all. A great plot, not the ending I had envisaged and it did n't end well for most of the cast!!
Jack Winter did n't have the best childhood but things started turning out really sour not long after he started hanging out in an old disused cemtery out the back of his Mum and Dad's trailer. After many visits he sees a haunting shadow-like creature with a long sinister jagged smile staring at him through the bushes. Tha moment shapes the rest of his life. As a grown up he thinks he has left it all behind but one night years later driving home witrh his wife and two young girls in the middle of the night he flips the truck when he sees those two eyes in the road ahead of him. In the aftermath it is clear that his 6-year old daughter saw it too. From there on the family seem haunted by strange occurances usually accompanied by scratching noises in their house walls. Now, he is not the only one it is chasing. Charlotte, starts acting somewhat schizophrenic and certainly psychotic as, as times (like her father), she seeems possessed by "Mr Scratch". In the end she does what Jack did, she murders her family and goes off to meet the devil and set up the cycle again thorugh the next generation. I ceertainly did not expect 10 year old Abigail to be hung from a tree by her sister using her own small intestines just before Charlotte rammed a knife into Jack's stomach and twisted it until he died!!! No happy endings here to say the least but a fine tale, jumps straight in at my number 2 :-)
Monday, 28 May 2012
Return of the prodigal son
He's back again!!
My eldest son Tom came back from University on Saturday after his first full year of Physics in Leeds. It was the first time he had been to our new house and I had done his room out at some cost and time so it was special all round. We picked him up from St Ives at 10:30 on Saturday morning and having stopped at Tesco Huntingdon weheaded back home. He was with his gf of two-and-a-half years so it was great to see both of them.
The sun shone brilliantly all weekend and so we had a great bbq on Saturday in the garden. The teenagers played wonderfully with the little people (my 6 year old and Kate's six and nine year olds) and I sank quite some beers ;-)
I'm looking forward to having him around for a very long summer. Now to see if I can achieve what I failed to last year ..... to convince him to get a job!!!!
Children of the Fog by Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Enjoyed this although was kept somewhat confused by the formatting!! How so? Well, reading it on my Kindle I keep an eye on what percentage of the book I've read, just as I would watch the page numbers in a real book. I was pleasently surprised and intrigued when what I thought would be the ending came at 25%. The book rolled on nicely with the plot thickening through a good a story before at 64%, what's this, oh it must be another false summit .... well, I've fallen for that before so this is not the end. Well, actually it was. The book finished at 64% and the rest of it was part of the author's next book to get us drawn in! (It did not work with me as I have started something new!!).
This is the story of a lady who has a criminal and a womaniser as a husband and whose sole joy in life is her 6 year old boy ...... until he is abducted and apparently killed by "The Fog". A man steals into homes like mist and who takes two children, a girl and boy, every spring. In this case our heroin comes into her son's room just as The Fog is taking the boy and she is warned that if she says she has seen the abductor the child will be returned in "little bloody pieces". She sketches a picture which she hides but her husband finds it and gives it to the police. The Fog calls her later and tells her that if she says nothing more then she can come and get her son but as she approaches the car where she thinks he is tied up she stumbles over a trip wire and the automobile explodes, killing him.
She leaves town ............... looking for somewhere to go and finish the children's book she is writing for her son before ending it all but led by "signs" from conversations with her son in her head she is led to a place where, with the help of dead children, she solves the mystery and restores her happiness. Very good book.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Yep, there goes another birthday, and apparently, I'm 44 now. Never really been hung up on age. Turning 30 and even 40 was never a problem, but I am starting to get a little apprehensive about being fifty, even though it is still six years away!!!
Does age matter? Maybe! Of course we all change physically and mentally. Physically, I laughed out loud this week when I did my regular run more than minute faster than I did last week, when I was 43 ;-) My wonderful girlfriend of well over ayear now is five old years younger then me ....... maybe I am having that mid-life crisis - not!
So as a 44 year old man what do I really want from my life this year? I'd like to be a little fitter, sure, maybe loose a cm or two off the old waisteline but there are n't many guys in their mid-forties who can't say that. I'd like to great hpotos of the people and landscape around me and I'd like more time to enjoy riding my bike, on and off road.
What else, well, having moved to Warboys I now live just round the corner from my amazing wonderful girlfriend but I want more. I now have the 5 bedroomed house waiting for her to move into, but she has a 6 year old and 9 nine year old who need time to get their heads around things. My kids maybe need a little more time because they don't know Kate and her fsamily as well as I do. It will happen though, things are moving in the right direction :-)
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Taunting the Dead by Mel Sherratt
Another cheapy off Amazon read on my Kindle and just finished yesterday.
Set in Stoke-on-Trent of all places (but why not) this is story of the murder of a ganster-ish type of businessman's wife, of how she is sleeping with (and we find out from her autopsy that she is pregnant by) the henchman, who is told by the boss to kill her knowing full what he has been up to. He tries to get her best friend's husband to do the job whilst the henchman's thug of son overhears most of this and goes on to do the the hit himself. The ganster is a real good looking charmer who has massive sexual chemistry with the female DS leading the investigation so it all turns into a pretty decent plot. Well told, intrigue kept high and believable characters, even in Stoke on trent, the home of Slash ;-)
Monday, 14 May 2012
The Phoenix conspiracy by Richard Saunders
Read this ages ago and forgot all about it until yesterday. So, this was another freebie off amazon on the Kindle, I've got a feeling I might have read some of it on the a plane on the way back from Japan in Feb.
Anyway, a cross between Star Trek and Star Wars this one, not brilliant but ok. One of the Federation's most trusted generals uses his spaceship to destroy a seemingly innocent trading convoy of aliens before legging it across the galaxy. Our hero is dispatched to bring him to justice with his new second in command, a beaustiful young lady who was the second in command of our criminal until just before the attack. The intrigue rolls out as the chase goes from one end of the galaxy to the other and, would you know it, but when the dust of the intergalactic firefight settles our badie is a goodie after all !!!!
Plenty readable though, kept me entertained for hours and as a freebie it did of course appeal to my Yorkshire nature!!!
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Windmills, the modern type. Not Dutch, no tulips and no Amsterdam.
I'm having a wonderful Bank Holiday Weekend so far, and the joy of it is of course that there is no work tomorrow, Monday :-)
The weather has not been good for the last week or so. Today, I drove through or past three "road closed - flooding" signs ...... but the water had almost gone and it was just that nobody could be bothered to come and remove the signs. The message is that it has rained loads in the last week or so, there are a lot of flooded fields around St Ives. But before that it was that glorious April weather of heavy showers, deep grey skies and wonderful sunshine to light it all up, if only fleetingly.
To my shame, I did n't find time to get out with the camera, until this evening. Taking Kate into St Ives for a works night out I grabbed this on the way home.
Windmills, the modern type, I think they look fantastic :-)
Monday, 30 April 2012
We're in!
It's been a long ten days. That's how long it has been since I got the keys to my new place. That day and the next Kate and I were both ferrying car loads of stuff from my old house in Bar Hill to my new one. On the Friday I had a van hired. I made two trips on my own moving stuff that one middle-aged guy (but not in mid-life crisis!) could handle. Then when my 16 year finished school there was just the heavy or oversized stuff and he was a star. We got it all across in the day. The next day i took the van back at 8:30, the kids went to their mum's at 9 and Kate and I spent most of the weekend unpacking or out buying stuff the house "needed". We stopped at 4 pm on Staurday and headedfor a chinese takeaway, stopping for a couple of drinks in the local, my new local, and then back here for teh grub, a couple of bottles of vino and real fire got lit. Smashing.
Just over a week later and most of the boxes have gone. Finally, the internet is connected and the house is just wonderful. They say an English man's house is his castle but this is the first time I think I'm really loving where I live.
Last week I left the car at work and cycled home one night. I'd done it before in 1h 9 mnis to 1 h 15. Last thursday night I did it 1:02:45, well pleased.
Now it's down to the realities. There is a leaky pipe under one of the sinks and I think, actually I'm sure there is a bird or two in the loft. Time to re-learn some DIY skills :-)
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
It's done! No longer am I off the property ladder. I am now the proud owner of a 5 bedroom detached house in Warboys :-) I get the keys at 6 pm tonight.
No more renting, being able to just ring the agents when there's a leak or the washing machine stops working so I'll need to re-learn some DIY. On the plus side I should n't ever get kicked out of my home again. I've had to leave the last two houses I rented as a good tenenat because of a change of plan by the owner. That's a pain for me as moving means loads of effort and it costs quite a lot too. I'ts also not good for my children.
The house is in Kate's village. Things are going fantastic still. I keep pinching myself as she is well out of my league. And the house is big enough for all of us to live in ........ watch this space :-)
No more renting, being able to just ring the agents when there's a leak or the washing machine stops working so I'll need to re-learn some DIY. On the plus side I should n't ever get kicked out of my home again. I've had to leave the last two houses I rented as a good tenenat because of a change of plan by the owner. That's a pain for me as moving means loads of effort and it costs quite a lot too. I'ts also not good for my children.
The house is in Kate's village. Things are going fantastic still. I keep pinching myself as she is well out of my league. And the house is big enough for all of us to live in ........ watch this space :-)
Monday, 16 April 2012
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

Ok, I'm slowing down, but that's a good thing because it means that I'm busier and part of that is that the guitar is getting a bit more attention!!!
Readthis on the Kindle, slowly because unlike many of Koontz's book it did n't really inpsire me.
Odd Thomas can see the dead. They never speak to him but can make signs. Elvis pops up quite a few times in the book. He also see Bodachs, shadowy creature which gather where misery and suffering is about to take place. This is story of Odd's attempts to stop a mass murder, surprisingly carried out by the State Police Department.
As I said, it was ok but not riveting.
I'm back to a cheapo Kindle daily deal by some author I've never heard of. Will rpeort back soon ........ oh hang on .... maybe not that soon ;-)
Thursday April 12th
Two big things happend on this day:-
Firstly: I was part of a three man team organising a conference at Leeds University and today was the day. Eleven very bright PhD students gave 20 minute presentations on their work. It was run by the Fine Chemicals Group of the Society of Chemistry in Industry, of which I'm a committee member. My company kindly sponsored some of the prizes.
I had to be at my sharpest to ask intelligent questions (!) and at the end of the day I had to sum up the afternoon. Then the three of us organisers got into a huddle and decided on the prizes, which I then announced and presented over the wine reception. Honestly, it was like being a judge on the X-factor but of course we were nice to everybody. Pictures show me awarding the first and second prizes and the whole group of speakers plus organisers.
We all then went our for dinner at a lovely French restaurant in Leeds. I drove three of the "kids" there and as we walked form the car I was talking none stop. It will be ok, it's not far and I know Leeds well. Wrong, at 9 pm, with a two and a half hour drive home I could n't find my wheels. Took me nearly half an hour. Bloody genius me :-(
Secondly: we exchanged contracts on my new house on this day. That was not without its hassels as there was a minor last minute issue that I struggled to sort out using just my iPhone in an area with poor reception. But it is done. On wednesday, I complete!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
The Darkest Room by Johan Therorin

A decent effort form Johan, maybe not as good as his first offering but still good nevertheless. Again, set on the remote island of Oland, off Sweden, it introduces a family who are happily renovating an old house after moving from Stockholm. Before long whilst the father is away he is tiold there has been a tragic accident and led to believe that his daughter has died in an accident. On returning home he finds that is actually his wife who has drown. A secret room in the upstairs of a alrge barn forms the focus for the people who have died in the area in centuries gone. At Xmas they return and the decest wife returns. All this is intertwined with the story of a gang who are are breaking into empty summer homes and on Xmas Eve they choose Xmas Eve to visit our family. As if there is any room left the accident turns out to have been a murder which also gets solved in a dramtic climax. I was virtually on top of it before I wored this noe out!!! Good read :-)
Monday, 26 March 2012
Still Here!
I am still here even though it seems like ages since I last wrote.
I have n't finished a book in ages because I've been really busy and when I've not been then the guitar has been getting a pounding! I did finish Johan Theorin's The Darkest Room which I need to write up on here.
I've given in notice on my rented house and the first thing they said to me was that it is going to be sold anyway so it looks like I would have been getting kicked out again. The purchase of my new place has not been without it's frustrations but it seems as though we'll exchange contracts shortly and then within 2 weeks it will be mine. Warboys here I come!!! The contingency is that the very lovely Kate has said I can move in with her for a while.
Somebody poke me if I ever again think about buying a house right in the middle of appraisal season when I'm leading three projects at work and one of them, the site's most advanced project, is approaching handover to Japan. Unfortunate.
So, I spent a lot of time over the weekend in the garden, which has n't had any attention (apart form lawn cutting) all year. Kate was here and was a star, as ever. But the sun shone and it was wonderful :-)
Speaking of Kate, we've passed the 1 year anniversary since we met. I took her up to Yorkshire for the weekend and we had a day in York and then went to stay at my Mum's. Their first meeting, and everybody got on grand.
I have n't finished a book in ages because I've been really busy and when I've not been then the guitar has been getting a pounding! I did finish Johan Theorin's The Darkest Room which I need to write up on here.
I've given in notice on my rented house and the first thing they said to me was that it is going to be sold anyway so it looks like I would have been getting kicked out again. The purchase of my new place has not been without it's frustrations but it seems as though we'll exchange contracts shortly and then within 2 weeks it will be mine. Warboys here I come!!! The contingency is that the very lovely Kate has said I can move in with her for a while.
Somebody poke me if I ever again think about buying a house right in the middle of appraisal season when I'm leading three projects at work and one of them, the site's most advanced project, is approaching handover to Japan. Unfortunate.
So, I spent a lot of time over the weekend in the garden, which has n't had any attention (apart form lawn cutting) all year. Kate was here and was a star, as ever. But the sun shone and it was wonderful :-)
Speaking of Kate, we've passed the 1 year anniversary since we met. I took her up to Yorkshire for the weekend and we had a day in York and then went to stay at my Mum's. Their first meeting, and everybody got on grand.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
A Room for the Dead by Noel Hynd

Quite enjoyed this but when the living, that you can touch and make love with, turn out to have been dead all along, then it gets a bit bizarre!! Still, a couple of quid for a cheao Kindle download helped kill the hours in Premium Economy over Northern Siberia!
New Hampshire state cop Frank O'Hara, approaching 50 and close to retirement, is given a case--a young woman is beheaded, her right hand cut off--that duplicates the M.O. of serial killer Gary Ledbetter. But Gary, a "low-rent Lothario" nabbed by O'Hara, was executed months ago in Florida, after political machinations moved the killer to a state with capital punishment. Since then, O'Hara's life has turned to ashes. He's taken seriously to booze, his wife has left him, his partner has committed suicide--and now, deep into another hated winter, something seems to be haunting his house: floors creak, doors slam, an empty rocking chair rocks. A tangle of right-wing state politics, skinhead thieves, a mysterious young woman and, increasingly, dialogues between O'Hara and what seems to be Gary's ghost lead the cop through past police corruption and malfeasance to a shattering conclusion. Throughout, the atmospherics are excellent and the local color first-rate: "There's ten months of winter and two months of bad skiiing. The state animal is the skunk, the state bird is the black fly, the state citizen is the deadbeat, and the state sport is petty larceny."
Monday, 27 February 2012
Japan ....... again!!
I’ve been back! The than ten days after arriving home from a quick blast to India I found myself back in Japan. This time for a company conference, onto which I’d tagged some business meetings beforehand and accepted an invite to an excursion on the Saturday directly afterwards.
About 15 of us from work went to this so I had to break with my normal tradition and getting on the plane and turning left into business class and head right into premium economy …….. and boy, what a difference. Hard to sleep in one of those seats when you are 6ft 2.
The meetings went well. The Japanese were kinder this time than they sometimes are and on top of all that we ate, drank and made merry in the evenings, with or without them. The conference was good. I presented a poster on our work and the lectures were interesting. The jet-lag was as bad as ever. My “silver-lining” that not being able to sleep as much in premium economy might lead to less jet-lag proved to be complete rubbish :-(
On the Saturday we went to the ancient town of Kamakura (see pictures) an interesting old place with some great shines and temples. At our lunch stop we got a great view of Mt Fuji (still need to climb it one day!) enjoyed Suba noodles, a narrow-gauge railway and some shopping.
I seem to come home with Saki, Sho-chu (very strong barley spirit), a saki drinking set and some very Japanese cups for green tea …….. oh, and of course a rather bruised credit card ;-)
Live Wire by Harlan Coben

Again, mostly read on a plane! I like Harlan. He is fast turning into one of my favorite authors. Such easy reading with good storylines and interesting characters. This was the first of the Myron Bolitar novels that I have read and I have to say I found the characters, along with the sidekicks Wyn, Esparanza and Big Cindy all quite intriguing. The story starts with a shocking post on Facebook (welcome to the 21st century) and ends up with a deep understanding of how a reclusive rockstar with a penchant for young girls ended up killing one of them accidentally, the resulting cover-up, blackmail and eventual deaths that follow. What I loved about the end of this is that although it is written from the point of view of Myron, the whole endgame is dominated by Wyn and he takes no prisoners. Myron does n’t know what is about to happen next.
Although this book gets very mixed review on Amazon I really enjoyed it.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
The Shelter by James Etherington

A short story about four boys who discharge the boredom of a long hot summer holiday by investigating a local shelter, except it is not anything like any air raid shelter that they, or I for that matter, have ever come across (actually, from the descriptions it is also nothing like the picture!!).
A decent story this that held it's impact as much on the promise of horror than the actual deed itself. the boys characters were well developed in quicktime which helped. I managed to get through it two sessions as well one Saturday evening and then a little more on the Sunday.
Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly

So, the second bid on the house, to my astonishment, was accepted!!!!!
So, after some celebrating (!!) it seems there might be quite a lot to organise in order to get out of my current home by the 25th of April and get everything sorted to take the new place by then. By unfortunate timing though, I'll be off to Japan for 7 days tomorrow ;-) Still, I like a challenge!!!
looking forward to having my own real fire. Since we had one as a very small child I've always wanted another. Can't wait to get it cracking on a Saturday afternoon and settle down with my Kindle and a nice bottle of single malt :-)
Friday, 10 February 2012
Big Numbers!!!
On Monday I put a bid in on "the" house. It was a full 32 grand under the asking price so it was rejected pretty quickly. Since then the imaginary lady in St Albans that seems to keep coming up in conversation had her third viewing and then an made an offer so she came in at 25 grand under and got rejected. I've got no chain so today (Friday) I went back at 22 grand under and by the end of the day it had not been rejected so fingers crossed ;-)
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Snow!!! (and the rest of the weekend's fun!!)
Interesting weekend it's turning out to be! Last night saw quite a heavy snowfall. I was up in Warboys for the night but had to be back for the kids at 9 am. Once it started getting heavy I went and moved the car form the untreated downhill estate road onto the flatter main road in the village, a good idea I think (especially given the two bottle of wonderful Jacob's Creek that Kate and I shared last night!). This morning I decided that an extra early start was required in order for a safe journey home. Inspite of it looking a little unsafe, especially on the snowy downhill section into Huntingdon, I made it back to Bar Hill pretty much ok. The hilly ringroad was still quite snowy and I was concerned that I might not make it up the hill withuot getting stuck, but I gave it some extra juice and things were fine. Once I got off that bus route and onto my estate road the real fun began and after I'd got stuck a couple of times and dug myself out only to get again stuck again rather quickly, I dumped the car (only about 100 m from home!) and walked the rest of the way.
This morning Chloe and I were out building a snow man and having a snowball fight. this afternoon she was back out with her brother.
On Friday night, after a relaxing day following my 7 am touchdown from Heathrow, we had a second viewing of a house. Robin and chloe came and Kate and her kids were there to give a second opinion. The house is quite wonderful. It's very large and spacious with 5 big bedrooms (the main bedroom is very generous and even the fifth bedroom is 9" x 6.9") and there is an ensuite to the main bedroom too. The kitchen is large and modern with a utility room and dining room and there is a garage and decent sized back garden. I think the further away form Cambridge and Huntingdon you go there more you get for your money. The owner has already moved back to Wales and is keen to do a deal and as I have no chain I think it could be game on. What are the catches? Well there is a main road not too far away from the back garden and after a first viewing on a quiet saturaday morning we purposely decided the second viewing must be in rush hour, it was noisier but no too bad. I probably won't be home too much during rush hour anyway and as the noise reduction from the double glazing is excellent it would only be an issue if the windows were open. It also has oil fired heating but there is gas available in the village so I'll need to factor that in when I make an offer, tomorrow!! ;-) :-)
I also got more tropical fish this weekend, four beautiful blue Guppies, which seem very happy in the tank.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Black Tie, White Noise by Daniel Martin

My second visit to India. About four years ago I went there with my then boss and we stayed for 3 or 4 days and toured round a few companies as were were planning to hire some of their chemists on a contract basis. We now have 12 of said chemists working in the lab of one of these particular companies and so it was about time we visited again, this time with my new boss.
India is a truly amazing place. The number of people is simply mind-boggling. the trafiic and the discorganisation is frightening and yet any bumps seem to be minor. everyone uses their horn all the time and yet there seems to be very little of the road-rage we see in our "developed" country. It's not often you see carts pulled not by horses, but by camels!
There is quite a lot of deprivation. It's odd staying in a luxury hotel and opening the curtains to look down on shacks and tents where poeple live. One morning I enjoyed a few minutes watching a stray dog chasing a goat and her kid about, until the kid ran on the road and nearly perished.
I had to have a typhoid booster before I went and of course I'm on malaria tablets. on the one eveing out we had there were mosquitos around and I have a couple of bites so fingers crossed.
On the plus side ....... it was 28 degrees c when we left. After overnight travel we arrived back at Heathrow at 7 am to -4 degrees centigrade!!!
Late additions: photos show us having dinner in the open-air restaurant, complete with biting mosquitos, in the lab with our welcome flower necklaces and red spots on our foreheads, me doing the dreaded bhangra (??) dancing and another of me preaching to the masses!!!!!!!
The Waiting Roon by F G Cottam

This was one of my choices based on the theme of ghosts and because it has good reviews on Amazon. Most of it was read on planes to, from and and within India. It tells the story of a retired rock star, Martin Stride, who finds that the old railway station on his extensive estate seems to be huanted. Locomotive sounds and smells are experienced, the sound of wartime music and the sight of a "soul-less" figure. He approaches Julian Steed the world-renowned TV ghost hunter, who he does not realise is a complete fraud and only thinking of his next episode, well at the outset anyway. The first half of this story seems to meander much more than required to the point of becoming a little tiresome but the story improves considerably in the second half leading up an exciting and quite unexpected ending. Add to that a bit of a love story (!!!) and overall it was well worth a read. Enjoyed it muchly!
Friday, 27 January 2012
I really need an air miles card now.....
... because I'll be spending quite a lot of time on a plane in February!
On Monday, we have some important Japanese visitors at work. After spending a lot of the day with them I'll be out for dinner in the evening. On Tuesday I fly to India to visit collaborators. It's a flying trip (did you see what I did there, flying trip!!!) My boss and I are flying out overnight, an afternoon arranged visiting Ghandi's house and then dinner in the evening. A night in a hotel then the next day on site and we are on the overnight back to the UK. We'll land at Heathrow at 7 am on Friday morning :-(
I'll be back in the country for 10 days beofre I'm on a flight back to Japan for some meetings and then a company conference. After that ends on the friday, I've been invited to the "drinking party" (just love the Japanese!) and then the saturday we have a day trip before I fly home.
There will be pictures :-) and it is a about time that fantastic camera saw some use!!!
On Monday, we have some important Japanese visitors at work. After spending a lot of the day with them I'll be out for dinner in the evening. On Tuesday I fly to India to visit collaborators. It's a flying trip (did you see what I did there, flying trip!!!) My boss and I are flying out overnight, an afternoon arranged visiting Ghandi's house and then dinner in the evening. A night in a hotel then the next day on site and we are on the overnight back to the UK. We'll land at Heathrow at 7 am on Friday morning :-(
I'll be back in the country for 10 days beofre I'm on a flight back to Japan for some meetings and then a company conference. After that ends on the friday, I've been invited to the "drinking party" (just love the Japanese!) and then the saturday we have a day trip before I fly home.
There will be pictures :-) and it is a about time that fantastic camera saw some use!!!
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Fear .....
I like to be scared occassionally, especially when it is short-lived and I'm pretty much in control and this is worth dwelling on ........
I like to read horror stories, if anybody apart form me actually reads this blog (ad I don't think anybody does) then you would see that quite a few of the books are horror based...... but they just don't scare me like they used to do years ago and I'm starting to loose interest.
I like the odd horror movie too. The Sixth Sense must be my fav film ever but then anything I watched directed by M Night Shalaban I've loved (sixth sense, the village, signs, unbreakable, all fantastic films!). The last good horror movie I saw was Paranormal Activity. I remember watching it in my last house, I was alone and being slightly scared I remember going up to bed wishing the kids were in the house with me!!
Then there is real fear. I think I'm actually a whole lot more insecure than I dare to let myself beleive. That seems to be demonstrated on a semi-regular basis. I think the unexpected and still unexplained breakdown of marriage (but I stopped trying to work it out ages ago) followed by my first new relationship in 20 years, getting dumped on Valentine's Day because her ex proposed and then the last relationship where I caught her touting herself on the web (!!!!) have left there scars. Still, these fears are sily. It's clear the wonderful woman I'm with now is nothing like the women I've been with before and she deserves the respect of trust.
Then there is real fear. This week I found out that someone close to me is not well. It probably is n't life-threatening but ... fuck ... I'm really scared now :-(
I like to read horror stories, if anybody apart form me actually reads this blog (ad I don't think anybody does) then you would see that quite a few of the books are horror based...... but they just don't scare me like they used to do years ago and I'm starting to loose interest.
I like the odd horror movie too. The Sixth Sense must be my fav film ever but then anything I watched directed by M Night Shalaban I've loved (sixth sense, the village, signs, unbreakable, all fantastic films!). The last good horror movie I saw was Paranormal Activity. I remember watching it in my last house, I was alone and being slightly scared I remember going up to bed wishing the kids were in the house with me!!
Then there is real fear. I think I'm actually a whole lot more insecure than I dare to let myself beleive. That seems to be demonstrated on a semi-regular basis. I think the unexpected and still unexplained breakdown of marriage (but I stopped trying to work it out ages ago) followed by my first new relationship in 20 years, getting dumped on Valentine's Day because her ex proposed and then the last relationship where I caught her touting herself on the web (!!!!) have left there scars. Still, these fears are sily. It's clear the wonderful woman I'm with now is nothing like the women I've been with before and she deserves the respect of trust.
Then there is real fear. This week I found out that someone close to me is not well. It probably is n't life-threatening but ... fuck ... I'm really scared now :-(
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Perfect People by Peter James

Another one from Kate, one of her favourite authors. Was n't really up for this, did n't think it would work for me but it just goes to show you should always be prepared to try something different!! (Still on the Kindle though.)
The story of a couple who, having lost their 4 year boy to a devastating hereditery diesease, go to see a trail blazing scientist to get a "designer baby". They want a healthy boy, that's all, but given the option of improving things like diet, sleep patterns and intelligence they find themselves compelled to tweak a few things. Months later the scientist is apparently murdered by the religious cult who have swarn to kill him and the spawn from his experiements. The father to be has got drunk for an interview and told the whole world what they are up to too so they are now in fear of their lives.
They end up with twins, a boy and a girl, and quite remarkable twins at that. The story tells how they evade the clutches of the cult and deal with extraordinary children. An excellent read, difficult to put down, done in three days ;-)
That other guitar is not getting played much!!
Now before I take my Kindle to India and Japan in February I really shiould read some of the actual books that peeps bought me for Xmas :-(
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