Thursday, 22 September 2011

A house can be home, but it is not always the case…….

Yesterday the Miller family home was sold and my wife (very soon to be ex-wife) moved into a smaller property. It marks another landmark step in my journey from very unhappily married man to a much happier individual. With the decree absolute due through the letter box any day now, that phase of my life is almost at an end. Carol and I were together for 18 years and had many happy times and I won’t forget that. In particular three wonderful children came from the marriage, something that I’ll be eternally grateful for.

I pretty much chose the house in Swavesey when we moved down from Scotland as I was down here by myself for a while whilst our old house sold. I screened potential properties and then one weekend Carol flew down and we viewed the short-list, but I knew which one was best and it was just a case of selling its potential to her. A detached property with a very large garden left room for the extension which happened a few years ago, turning a two-bedroom house in a four-bedroom house with the most enormous living room I’ve ever seen. I stamped my mark on it in an architectural sense with a design that was inspired by the tv programs of the day and it was great (large open spaces and a real “flow”). I did not take my ideas as far as I might due to the reticence of my wife but if I had of done it would have been phenomenal.

Of course, less than two years later when we agreed we should separate after the failure of Relate counseling, for the sake of the children, I was the one who left. I’ve been pushed around to three different rental homes since then but I’m very happy in my house in Bar hill now. However, with my financial responsibilities in terms of providing a home for my children about to be significantly reduced as of next month – I start saving for my own home, if that is the direction I choose, but I think I need some sound financial advice and a good long-term plan 

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