SDW - day 3
Bury to Pyecombe. Did not pan out as expected this one.
Following the usual breakfast routine we headed off relatively early. Even leaving the guesthouse provided it's "moments" as our landlady was quick witted and, perhaps, a little too honest. As she cleared away the empty plates that were boys full breakfasts she turned to Andy and asked him if he would like anymore, as he "clearly has a figure to maintain". First time I've seen Andy speechless actually. After we had officially left but were still on the drive "discussing" the logistics of the day she came out and told us "to stop bickering like a bunch of old women"!!!!
Well, eventually we dragged ourselves away from the fun and started to ride. Although rain was forecast, possibly from dawn, the morning was overcast but with plenty of sunny spells. I decided that I could not beat them so would join them in pushing bike up hills and conserve my energy for when I was riding alone. We stopped for lunch part 1 at 12:02 (I remember as Steve was going time the break) but I left them at 12:14. I made good speed past one road and down to the river and the second road at which point I planned to leave the trail. I texted Steve with my time and position feeling very impressed with myself and very I pushed off only to realise my front tyre was flat (impact puncture from the descent??).
A quick change and I'm off just before it starts raining, which it does for about 30 - 45 minutes and quite heavy for 5 or so. The strong wind is in my face too but the greatest irritation is caused by the bloody truck drivers who think they only need to leave me three inches and I won't be upset by their thirty tonne trucks.
I hit the bike shop and roll in a warm welcome from a nice lady (remember I'm pretty bedraggled by now) who sells me a new saddle (£30) and a multi-tool to replace the one I left at the side of the road when I punctured (£15 - expensive day!!). I head off back to car in the sunshine and make good progress in drying out.
Steve had texted me and said they had reached the point where I turned off the South Downs Way at 1:30 pm. That only left them about 6 miles to go so I was thinking they would be at the guesthouse very early. In which case I could complete today's section tomorrow and we could head off into Brighton to mouch about and find dinner. I grab the car and head off to the new B&B, very pleased with myself for the new plan I'd just hatched and the fun we were going to have that evening. En route I stop off at a shop and buy 15 lucky dips for tonight's double roll over Lotto, as we'd agreed. I'm served in the shop by a lovely young girl who is being quite chatty so I say to her "the next time you see me I'll be a millionaire". Quick as a flash she comes back at me by point the index fingers on both hands straight to her face and saying "then remember THIS face"!!!!!
I get to the guesthouse and am somewhat surprised to find I'm the first here. After "checking in" a quick chat with Steve suggests the boys are tired and bickering but just at the top of the next hill hiding from the lightening in a wood. Further communication later states that they were not where they thought and they do not arrive until after 6 pm. It's a bit late to go far by then and the recommendation for the pub across the road is strong. Furthermore, our lovely hosts Wendy and Terry invite us to share a pre-dinner drink with them.
Dinner is excellent. Calzone and banoffee pie for me washed down with more lady lagers. Andy gets the single room.
Steve and Andy 22 miles
David 25 miles
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